PCEC dedicated to Pattaya’s expat community


It was a great year for the Pattaya City Expats Club. At the Club’s Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, July 3, at the Amari’s Tavern by the Sea Restaurant, Club Chairman Michel de Goumois gave his annual report on the Club’s activities. Before giving his report, the first order of business was Electoral Officer David Meador’s certification that the four nominees for two year terms on the Board of Governors were now members of the board without the need for an election; the number of candidates equaled the number of vacancies to be filled.

Three of the candidates, Max Rommel, Richard Smith, and Darrel Vaught will continue on the board for another two year term. Chairman Michel welcomed Pat Koester as the newest member of the board. He then called on Club Treasurer Judith Edmonds to give her report on the Club’s finances.

Chairman Michel de Goumois presents the report for the 2010 / 2011 year for Pattaya City Expats Club.Chairman Michel de Goumois presents the report for the 2010 / 2011 year for Pattaya City Expats Club.

Chairman Michel then reported on the Club’s activities during the previous year.

He singled out the Club’s celebration of its 10th anniversary as being the most significant event. He noted that it is remarkable that the Club has survived, developed, and prospered in its present form for a decade.

He attributed this success to the Club’s informal style and its dedication to the expat community of Pattaya.

The Club has managed to prosper by its openness, flexibility and encouragement to individual initiatives. It has developed and maintained quite a unique ambiance at the weekly Sunday meetings which are at the core of the life of the Club.

There are guest speakers or entertainers as well as the Club’s Open Forum, which allows everyone to express their needs, share their experiences, and provide answers and viewpoints useful to some or to all.

Membership Director Judith advises members of the encouraging state of memberships in Pattaya City Expats Club.Membership Director Judith advises members of the encouraging state of memberships in Pattaya City Expats Club.

Michel then highlighted many of the Club’s activities during the year. He thanked the Board members for their dedication to making the Club a success. However, he said that the Board could not do so without the cooperation and help of all the members. Many members run services and provide assistance to others, such as the exchange of books and the acquisition and renewal of driver’s licenses.

The Club also encourages its members to form groups of people that have a common interest to meet outside the regular Sunday meeting to foster that interest. These groups include interest in computers, photography, and intellectual pursuits through various discussion groups. Also, members have arranged for enjoying each other’s company while enjoying a good meal.

The Frugal Freddy group arranges for dining weekly at one of several restaurants that have agreed to host the group and give them a discount on food and beverages. There is also the once a month Members’ Dinner that is open to all that want to enjoy good conversation along with their meal at one of Pattaya’s many good restaurants.

Communications Director Darrel demonstrates the latest additions to the PCEC web site at pattayacityexpatsclub.com.Communications Director Darrel demonstrates the latest additions to the PCEC web site at pattayacityexpatsclub.com.

Not to be left out are the member organized excursions, which this past year included an overnight trip arranged by TAT to Korat and several one day trips to enjoy soaring over the jungle canopy at Flight of the Gibbon or partaking of a fruit buffet while touring the Suphatra Orchard in Rayong Province.  He singled out Richard Smith and Sermsakdi for special thanks since they were the primary organizers for the trips.

Another thing the Club should be proud of is its relation with Thai officials. Several of these officials, including the deputy governor of Chonburi province, the new chief of police in Pattaya, the former and current nai amphur (district chief) for Banglamung, and Pattaya’s Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome spoke to the Club and thanked its members for its contribution to the Thai as well as the expat community.

New board member Pat conducts the open forum.New board member Pat conducts the open forum.

Michel concluded his report by thanking all the members of the Club. He said that without them, there would be no Pattaya City Expats Club.   He said they are the reason for the Club’s existence and the justification for all the work done in the Club. At this point, Michel opened up the meeting for any comments or suggestions that the participants may have and then asked the representative of the special interest groups to say a few words.

Master of Ceremonies Richard Silverberg then introduced Darrel Vaught to provide some information about the Club’s website. Using the Amari’s WiFi to access the Club’s website online and display it on the big screen, Darrel pointed out several features that had been developed or enhanced during the year. He also mentioned that he is in the process of working with the webmaster to make the website a little easier to navigate.

Richard Silverberg then updated everyone on upcoming events and called on Pat Koester to conduct the ever informative and sometimes humorous Open Forum, where questioned are asked and answered, movies and restaurants are recommended and sometime a joke or two are told.