Russian tourist robbed by ladyboy on beach road


Police detained a 19 year old ladyboy named Narin Tinjanda on beach road after he had allegedly stolen from a 29 year old Russian tourist named Ambart Cuma Satrian.

Narin confessed to stealing the Russian man’s mobile phone and passport but in his defense he told police that the tourist had asked him to accompany him to a hotel for a bit of fun, however the Russian refused to pay Narin so he decided to steal his passport and mobile phone so that he could have something to negotiate with.

In true Pattaya fashion the Russian tourist identifies the police

However the Police didn’t believe the ladyboy as he has a long criminal record for pick-pocketing, but what penalty will the ladyboy have to pay before he is out on beach road looking for other victims.


Russian tourist robbed by ladyboy on beach road