Pattaya Sports Club Club Bunker Boys Golf Report Sept 18-20-22

Michael Brett, winner at Bangpra & Greenwood Golf Courses

Monday, September 18
Bangpra Golf Course
1st Michael Brett (16) 34 points
2nd Kevin LeBar (14) 32 points
3rd Craig Dows (4) 31 points
4th Gerry Cooney (19) 31 points
Near pins Kob Glover, Michael Brett, & Gerry Cooney X 2.

Heavy rain fell as we drove to the course and it looked like we were in for a miserable day. Just as we arrived the rain stopped and we had no further rain all day. The course was quiet so we got away ahead of our scheduled time and finished in decent time. Luck was with us once again as we saw a nine-ball out behind us, just imagine being stuck behind them.

Scoring was very poor today with nobody really making a mark, the top score went to Michael Brett with thirty-four points. Kevin LeBar took second two back with Craig Dows beating Gerry Cooney on countback for third place. Gerry did manage to snag two near pins with one each going to Kob Glover and Michael Brett.

With the passing of our webmaster Douggie earlier this year our website has lay dormant, this will soon change. We have engaged the services of a specialist company “freshdigital” to design and manage a completely new website which we hope to have operational within a few months, certainly before Christmas. This has come at some considerable expense so we expect big things from it, stay tuned for further information.

Wednesday, September 20
Burapha C & D Golf Course
1st Sunny Khanna (13) 35 points
2nd Michael Brett (16) 34 points
3rd Craig Dows (4) 34 points
Near pins Sunny Khanna & Niall Glover X 2.

As we are in the middle of monsoon season the threat of rain is ever present as it was again today. Thunder and lightning were all around but the rain held off till we got in cars to go back to Pattaya where it was fine again on arrival, it could not have been planned better.

We were allocated the B &C nines, both were in good condition. After a short wait, we got away and finished in a respectable time. For the second day in a row, scores were modest, Sunny Khanna took first place with thirty-five points. Michael Brett edged out Craig Dows into third place on countback, both had the winning of the round but both finished poorly and wiped the last hole. Sunny took a near pin with Niall Glover taking two, Kob must have had an off day.

Friday, September 22
Greenwood A & C Golf Course
1st Michael Brett (16) 34 points
2nd Bil Richardson (12) 32 points
3rd Craig Dows (4) 31 points
Near pins Gary Smith & Witt Mann.

For some reason, we were allocated a late tee time today but when we got to the course there appeared to be nobody else there so we got away at our normal time and had an early finish. Very heavy rain on Thursday meant the course was very damp with no run on the fairways and just about every ball a mud-ball, No threat of rain today but the fruitflies were out in number.

For the third game of the week, scoring was again poor with nobody really coming to terms with the conditions. Michael Brett took first place with thirty-four points, two ahead of Bil Richardson, with Craig Dows a further stroke back in third. Remarkably only two near pins were taken going to Witt Mann and Gary Smith.
