Pattaya Sports Club Mabprachan Golf Society Report Sept 19-21

Willem Lasonder and Allan Cassin winners at Pattavia Golf Course

Tuesday 19 September 2023
Eastern Star Golf Course
1st John Pegrum (20) – 36 points
2nd Sam Jeffery (14) – 32 points

On Tuesday we went to Eastern Star. It was a partly cloudy day and not too humid. The course was in good condition. The greens were sanded which putting made difficult. The course is never easy and long, but we enjoyed it.

It was not easy to play your handicap today, but John Pegrum was the man. He played a very consistent round and won with 36 stableford points. Sam Jeffery came a modest second with 32 points. The near pins were for Karl Flood and Sam Jeffery.

Thursday 21 September 2023
Pattavia Golf Course
1st Allan Cassin (14) – 37 points
2nd Willem Lasonder (36) – 36 points

On Thursday we went to Pattavia. It was again an overcast day. The course was in good condition. The greens were difficult as usual, but very good. Again, an enjoyable day.

Allan Cassin and Willem Lasonder played consistent to their handicap. The experience of Allan made the difference. He won with 37 stable ford points and Willem was second with 36 points.
The near pins were for Max Vroom, Paul Davies and Willem Lasonder.
