Venus clams bonanza sparks frenzy along Sri Racha shoreline

Locals gather along the Ko Loi Sri Racha shoreline, eagerly collecting the abundant Venus clams uncovered during the clam-digging venture.

SRI RACHA, Thailand – Ko Loi Sri Racha witnessed an extraordinary sight on May 1, as throngs of villagers embarked on a clam-digging expedition on its shores. What initially began as a customary weekend activity swiftly transformed into a thrilling discovery as the ebbing tide unveiled an unexpected abundance of Venus clams.

Traditionally, Venus clams can be easily retrieved by excavating a mere 5-6 centimeters into the sandy shoreline. However, the sheer quantity of these sizable clams left the villagers awe-struck, as they had never before encountered such a profusion along their coastline. The sudden appearance of these clams sparked both curiosity and excitement among the local populace.

Yothin Inthararak, 37, a seasoned clam hunter, shed light on the phenomenon. He elucidated that weekends typically witness villagers engaging in clam hunting, but the convergence of May 1with the national Labour Day holiday prompted an unprecedented surge of people to flock to the shores in search of these savoury treasures. While the majority of discoveries comprised Venus clams, sporadic findings of other marine species such as fish and crabs added to the excitement, particularly around rocky formations.

Each expedition yielded a significant bounty, with several hundred kilograms of clams harvested daily. The versatility of Venus clams, suitable for various culinary preparations such as boiling, stir-frying, grilling, or preservation by drying, has rendered them highly coveted commodities in the local marketplace.

Beyond serving as a source of sustenance for the villagers, the unexpected influx of Venus clams has also catalyzed economic activity. Surplus clams are traded with neighboring communities, offering an avenue for supplementary income generation. This remarkable occurrence not only underscores the resilience of marine ecosystems but also underscores the critical importance of environmental conservation endeavors in safeguarding biodiversity and supporting livelihoods.