Pattaya crew trims brushes on Banglamung traffic islands

Pattaya City workers help to trim trees and cut grass on traffic islands along Sukhumvit Road in Banglamung sub-district.

With help from Pattaya, Banglamung Sub-district trimmed trees and cut grass on traffic islands along Sukhumvit Road to improve the scenery and road safety.

Mayor Jaraywat Chinnawat inspected the work in progress March 16 as a work crew used equipment loaned by Pattaya City to clean up the area.

The tiny sub-district lacks the resources and funds for its own mowers, so it borrowed three from Pattaya, which also contributed 10 workers to join Banglamung’s 10.

Mayor Jaraywat Chinnawat together with his Banglamung sub-district administrators are thankful to Pattaya City for loaning them the staff and equipment to maintain the traffic islands in their community.