MOAC sets up BOD for “Rice Cultivating System” project


BANGKOK, 20 June 2012  – Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has set up the board of directors to direct and supervise “Rice Cultivating System” project

Director of Rice Department Chairit Damrongkiat has set up a board of directors to implement and oversee the 2012 “Rice Cultivation System” project, which is divided into 2 sectors: the central and regional areas. The purpose of the project is to push rice cultivation into a new system, focusing on participation of farmers in making decisions on appropriate rice cultivation period that coincides with the farms’ condition, economy, society, and government’s support.

However, the project aims to encourage farmers to change the habit of farming, from growing rice year-round to growing it only twice a year. In between they should also grow upland or soil-improving crops to rehabilitate the soil to fertility as well as to reduces production costs from 6,760 baht per ton to 5,723 baht per ton.