DSI fears Thailand’s status on human-trafficking list will worsen


BANGKOK, 20 June 2012  – The Department of Special Investigations (DSI) has expressed concerns that Thailand’s possible repositioning on the US watch list for human trafficking may cause impact on the country’s economy.

The DSI has reported a possibility that Thailand will be moved from its current position in Tier 2 to Tier 3 in the Trafficking in Persons Report 2012 (TIP Report). The move to Tier 3 will indicate the country’s poor human trafficking condition and its lack of anti-human trafficking measures. The country’s economy may be impacted as a result of possible sanctions by the USA and the global community.

The DSI has suggested that if the USA deems Thailand’s human trafficking situation has worsened, Thailand must promptly improve its prevention and suppression measures in order to elevate its status on the list in the following years, given being classified in Tier 3 will put Thailand’s in a bad light.

Meanwhile, Phil Robertson, Deputy Director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia Division, has warned that if Thailand’s human trafficking situation escalates to Tier 3, USA will launch a boycott against the Thai government.