Romania: Vasile Cepoi wins, loses and loses in mayor’s race


Bucharest, Romania (AP) – In a Romanian town, Vasile Cepoi defeated Vasile Cepoi and Vasile Cepoi in a mayoral election. The middle name made all the difference. The victor told The Associated Press: “I added my middle name, and ran as Vasile Lica Cepoi. Anyhow, residents knew about the confusion before the vote.” He was also the incumbent, who secured his fourth term as mayor of Draguseni. He said Tuesday that the coincidence of three candidates having the same name was an attempt by political parties to confuse residents in the northeastern town of 2,500 people. Both names are common in Romania; Cepoi means “big onions.” The mayor won 1,200 votes, Vasile Cepoi won 100 votes and Vasile Cepoi trailed with 10. The three are not related. Two other candidates scored even less.