Thai Embassy: No Thais affected by terrorist attack in Eilat


BANGKOK, 23 August 2011 – The Thai Embassy in Israel has confirmed that no Thais were injured or killed in the recent shooting incident in the southern city of Eilat while promising to continually report the local situation to the Foreign Ministry. 

According to the Royal Thai Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, no casualties have been reported among Thai nationals in the country so far after the latest terrorist attack in Eilat, which is an important port located near the border with Egypt. The attack involved a series of shooting on cars and buses heading towards the city, leaving at least 14 Israelis wounded. The Israeli army had to close some roads in a bid to control the situation.

Nonetheless, the Embassy confirmed that it would follow up the situation closely and would periodically inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of developments in the assistance for Thai citizens in the area.