Candidacy registration for Feb 2 election resuming today


BANGKOK, Dec 25 – The Election Commission (EC) has invited 34 political parties applying to run in the February 2 general election to a lots-drawing session on Wednesday.

Somchai Srisuthiyakorn, election commissioner for election administration, said the 34 political parties will be each given a number for the election ballots.

The registration for party-list candidates was to be held from Monday through Friday but the first two days were interrupted by an anti-government rally at the registration venue inside the Thai-Japanese sports stadium in Din Daeng.

Protesters blocked the entrances to the registration building in the stadium since Sunday night and withdrew last evening at the instruction of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).

Mr Somchai admitted he was worried about possible interruption of the election preparations which involve a long process.

EC Secretary-General Puchong Nutrawong said more than 200 officials will resume their facilitating work and screen candidates’ documents at the Thai-Japanese stadium today.

Candidates of the 34 political parties arrived at the registration venue before the opening hour at 8.30 am on Monday, compelling the EC to organise lots drawing so that applicants are treated fairly.

The 35th political party, Pracha Tham, showed up at the Crime Suppression Division after 8.30 am. It will possibly be given No 35 in election ballots.