Ménage a trois


Dear Hillary,

A mother-in-law problem. Like many retired males now living in Thailand, I married a delightful young lady, who could be perfect other than the fact she has a mother, who could also be almost perfect. The daughter is 28 and her mother is 48 and single. Both of them at what I would imagine are ages where Thai women worry about being left on the shelf.

Mother comes down to spend weeks with us, and as we have a 4 bedroom house, there is plenty of room. When mother is down, my wife takes the opportunities to go out with girlfriends and her mother stays at home to ‘look after’ me. Recently mother has been getting very close to me and she says not to worry, the daughter wants us to get close. Well, too close and when I woke up last week, it was mother in bed with me, not daughter. Now any time I see mother, she winks at me and I know what she means. She is also a good looking woman and people think she is my wife’s sister. So what now? Divorce daughter and marry mother? By doing nothing am I encouraging a ménage a trois? What is my next move, Hillary?


Dear William,

You really have a problem, don’t you. Or, you are really pulling my leg. The ménage a trois is not restricted to the French culture, despite the French language name. As it is worrying you (I think), you should sit your two ladies down and explain what this means as far as jealousy between mother and daughter is concerned and do you support them both. Do let us know how you get on.