Yupins New Near Normal News


We have a slight overcast situation here in Jomtien, with a promise of rain, perhaps light rain, later.

That seems to be the daily forecast every day now, but never mind it is still warm and with very little snow or hail.

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Goodness me, can you imagine the reaction here if we suddenly had a severe snow storm with huge hail stones and a week of 10 degrees below zero?

Of course, that is why us expats are living here, because it is unimaginable.

My first reaction would be to think of the chaos on the roads with black ice and packed snow.

Heck, it is unthinkable. The carnage would make global news. But then so would the weather conditions of course.

I will invest immediately in a snow chain factory and get ahead of the game. Can’t do worse than all my other investments!

I remember hearing about one very fierce winter in the UK, from Mr Yupin, when the snow lay thick and heavy on all the roads, the mercury had broken the glass, and the AA Rescue decided to sell off their entire stock of snow chains because predicted demand was so small.

Mr Yupin says he had a large food delivery business and bought around twenty sets of chains for all his vehicles, commercial and private, and got them for 5 pounds a set.

He taught all his drivers how to put them on the 4 tyres in bad and dark conditions, which is when you need them most, and the business was saved. Deliveries of food continued unhindered.

He keeps looking up at the sky here in Jomtien, for a sign of snow or a bad blow. Keep looking Mr Yupin!

But Mr Yupin is very much cheered up by the rain we have recently enjoyed, as it fills up our reservoirs and it may mean snow. He knows how to deal with that.

A good hot meal on a cold day with a glass of something warming is the tonic for us all, well, it works in the UK.

Talking of which, Yupins Restaurant would very much like your support, come and have a good meal with a glass of wine maybe, or just a glass of wine, come and say hello and cheers us all up!


Now is the time when we need to see you and let us give you a very warm welcome!

I have started a new promotion where I can give you a voucher card with your name and every time you spend over 500 baht you get a stamp on your card.

When you have collected seven stamps you can demand one set menu meal FREE with a glass of house Wine FREE too!

Please come and take advantage of this, ask us for a voucher and ‘fill ‘er up’ as soon as you like!!

Enjoy some of photos of the famous and not so famous guests that darken our doors in these post covid-19 times!!

All of them have been checked and tested and found to have two of everything down the outside and one of everything down the middle.

They all responded well to tests for existing brain matter and a sense of humour, however dark the humour was. Ten out of ten.

Remember to book a lunch date in advance. Yupins restaurant is open for you between 1200 and 1400 hrs. Min. 2 persons.

038 250 394 after 3pm Closed Wednesdays. Cell Phone:087 062 9672 [email protected]