National Library of Thailand, Bangkok National Museum reopen under strict measures

The venues are limited to 10 visitors at a time, with all those inside required to be at least five meters a part.
The venues are limited to 10 visitors at a time, with all those inside required to be at least five meters a part.

BANGKOK-The National Library of Thailand is informing borrowers they will have to indicate the book they intend to check out from now on as part of measures against COVID-19.

The Director-General of the Fine Arts Department, Prateep Pengtago, visited the National Library of Thailand and the Bangkok National Museum after they were reopened to serve as study centers, reiterating that anti-COVID-19 measures must be strictly observed. The venues are limited to 10 visitors at a time, with all those inside required to be at least five meters a part, to observe symbols indicating where they can stand and for masks to be worn at all times.

To control contact, the library will not be allowing borrowers to peruse books on their own, instead they will inform librarians of what books they need from a designated area, equipped with alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

All books at the library are to be disinfected in the sun every 24 hours as well have disinfectant applied. A maximum 300 people can visit the library each day.

The Deputy Minister of Public Health, Sathit Pitutecha, visited Ruam Jai Fresh Market in Muang Thong Thani, holding it up as an example of a market that has upheld guidelines, including registration of visitors on the Thai Chana online platform. All vendors at the market were wearing protective masks, face shields and gloves at all times. It has asked that children under five years old and seniors above 70 refrain from visiting at this time.(NNT)