Two strong outings wins Bunker Boys Club Championship for Mashi Kaneta

Jimmy Carr presents the Bunker Boys Club Championship trophy to Mashi Kaneta.

PSC Bunker Boys Golf
Monday, November 30th

Pattaya Country Club

1st Jimmy Carr (16) 37 points
2nd Dave Ashman (22) 36 points
3rd Tony Robbins (19) 34 points
Near pins Jimmy Carr, Dave Ashman, & Bob Paine X 2.

A fireworks festival drew massive crowds to the city for the weekend. Crowds filled the beach and Beach Road, traffic chaos was everywhere and we had one of the best fireworks displays one could wish for to entertain the public. One would expect they had seen everything fireworks had to offer but this display had some new effects not seen before.

It will be heartening for all our usual overseas visitors unable to come this year to hear how readily the city sprung back to life again rightfully reclaiming its reputation as “The City of Fun.” There have been many claims that Pattaya will never be the same again but people may have to revise their thinking on that in light of this weekend.

A dull overcast unpleasant day weather-wise for the last game of the month, with a strong cool wind and occasionally spitting rain. The Bunker Boys decided to stay close to home with a round at Pattaya Country Club which was in excellent condition. A lot of repair and maintenance is currently being carried with several fairways re-turfed all along one half lengthwise, designated GUR so anybody on that side was required to lift and drop on the unrepaired side. This would appear to be an exercise to eliminate the coarse grass and when completed will make the course superb.

Today’s winner was Jimmy Carr with a solid thirty-seven points, a very good performance under the circumstances. Dave Ashman took second a stroke adrift whilst Tony Robbins brought up the rear with thirty-four. All the near pins were taken, one each to Jimmy and Dave and two to Bob Paine.

A record of two hundred and twenty-eight points saw Tony Robbins eclipse Robby Watt’s previous record as the runaway winner of this month’s golfer of the month, his second win in three months. In this form, he could easily claim favoritism for the Club Championship this week, with Jimmy, Bob, and Dave the most likely challengers.

Wednesday, December 2nd


Club Championship Round 1
1st Les Cobban (8) Net 68
2nd Mashi Kaneta (16) Net 71
3rd Tony Robbins (19) Net 72
4th Bob Paine (20) Net 72
5th Myles Knowlson (13) Net 72
Near pins Kevin LeBar, Geoff Cox, Mashi Kaneta, & Jimmy Carr.

The first round of the Annual Club Championship was held at the Pattavia course in very windy conditions. Apart from the greens which had recently been cored and sanded and were a bit variable in speed and a bit bumpy, the rest of the course was in excellent condition.

Due to travel restrictions and a couple of our regulars out through illness, we had a smaller than usual field with only twelve participants. Nevertheless competition was as keen as ever.

With a round of net sixty-eight, Les Cobban set a cracking pace and will take a bit of catching on Friday at Greenwood.

At least four others are in a position to challenge with Mashi Kaneta only three strokes adrift and a group of three, Tony Robbins, Bob Paine, and Myles Knowlson all on seventy-two, also close enough to mount a challenge.

Geoff Parker would have also been in the frame but for a disastrous nine on the eighteenth.

Today we saw some light at the end of the tunnel in regard to travel restrictions with the arrival of our first overseas visitor in the form of Paul Lanzetta, recently out of quarantine having traveled from Taiwan. It is now clear to all those wishing to travel that there is a way, you just have to jump through the hoops and endure a bit of frustration along the way. Let’s hope Paul is the first of many to make the trip in the near future. Pattaya is ready and waiting to roll out the welcome mat.

Paul Lanzetta amassed forty points at Greenwood.

Friday, December 4th
Club Championship Round 2

1st Paul Lanzetta (8) 40 points
2nd Mashi Kaneta (16) 36 points
3rd Geoff Parker (19) 35 points
4th Geoff Atwell (24) 34 points
Near pins Jimmy Carr, Jay Babin, & Paul Lanzetta X 2.

The biggest field of the year so far (sixteen) was on hand for the second round of the Annual Club Championship held at Greenwood, but not all were eligible to compete for the prize. As always the course was in excellent order but a very strong wind made for difficult playing conditions.

Playing his first game with the Bunker Boys since his return from Taiwan, Paul Lanzetta showed the field a clean pair of heels winning by a margin of four with forty points.

The ever consistent Mashi Kaneta, steady as ever, took second place with thirty-six points, one ahead of Geoff Parker on thirty-five. Geoff Atwell rounded out the scoring with thirty-four.

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All the near pins were taken with one each going to Jimmy Carr and Jay Babin with Paul Lanzetta taking two.

In the race for the Club Championship Les Cobban led by two going into the back nine but had disastrous closing holes, allowing Mashi to come through to take the prize. No doubt Geoff Parker will rue the disastrous nine on the eighteenth at Pattavia on Wednesday, otherwise, he would have been in the frame.