Security guard robs 8 iPads from his employer

Security guard Chokchai Sukree was arrested for stealing 8 iPads worth 120,000 baht from his employer who he was hired to protect.

A Sattahip security guard was arrested for stealing 120,000 baht worth of electronics from the company he was paid to protect.

Chokchai Sukree, 29, was taken into custody at his apartment Feb. 22 with police finding eight Apple iPads stolen from his employer, the Sattahip branch of Toyota Pattaya 1998 Company.

Police said Chokchai confessed to the theft, saying he unplugged closed-circuit cameras before stealing the iPads around 7 a.m.

Chokchai allegedly said he stole the tablets to sell, as he doesn’t make enough money to support the lifestyle he wants. The money was intended to pay the monthly installments for his new motorbike.