Pattaya tells road crews to patch streets, sidewalks for holidays

The city has asked contractors to put the roads and walkways back together for the holidays.

Road construction in Pattaya will pause during the New Year’s holidays, with roads and sidewalks patched up for the convenience of holiday tourists.

Deputy City Manager Kiattisak Sriwongchai met Dec. 21 with Boontien Jansuk, director of the Engineering Department and executives from nine city contractors.

Kiattisak asked the construction crews to close holes on roadways and return traffic lanes while also fixing any broken sidewalks so they can be used again.

After Jan. 5, the companies are free to rip up the streets and footpaths again, he said.

Deputy City Manager Kiattisak Sriwongchai made the request during a meeting he chaired with Boontien Jansuk, director of the Engineering Department and executives from nine city contractors.

The contractors warned that while the streets may be open, signs and traffic lights may not work. And don’t expect the paving to be smooth, they cautioned.

The holiday layoff is yet another delay for many projects, which have been put behind schedule by Covid-19 outbreaks among workers.

Work to bury overhead wires on South Road is one of those, but also has been halted periodically by budget problems.

The contractor in charge of that project said all of South Road cannot be restored temporarily for the holidays, as doing so would be too costly and time-consuming.

Not all road construction can be restored temporarily for the holidays, as doing so would be too costly and time-consuming.