Pattaya City Hall doubles public parking

Pattaya Deputy Mayor Wuthisak Rermkijakarn orders a revamp of parking spaces so that visitors are allocated more parking spaces when they come to city hall. A total of 120 spaces are now available to the public.

Pattaya City Hall has doubled the number of parking space for the public.

The city announced in late June it would expand the lot. On July 22, Deputy Mayor Wuthisak Rermkijakarn took a walk through the completed project.

Previously, city hall’s parking lot had 410 spots, but most of those were occupied by city workers, leaving only 60 for the public.

The parking structure hasn’t grown, but the number of spaces for employees was cut.

The public can now park on levels 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B. Employees must park on the fifth story up. A total of 120 spaces are now available to the public.

The parking garage also got upgrading lighting, litter was picked up and cars parked for days at a time were towed. Wuthisak also ordered the repair of broken elevators.

The public can now park on levels 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B. Employees must park on the fifth story up.