Jomtien beach vendors evicted from public parking spaces

Police and Na Jomtien municipality officers confiscate food carts and stalls from vendors who refused to obey orders to removed their carts from public areas.

Na Jomtien municipality administers and police joined forces to stop beach vendors from blocking public parking spaces.

Tourists complained loudly about hawkers putting tables, chairs and other equipment on the street to sell their wares and prevent people from parking in front of their stalls.

Traffic police and subdistrict regulatory officers swept through Najomtien Beach April 28, ordering vendors to remove their food carts, furniture and other items from public spaces.

Vendors were told there is a designated area for such sales and they must sell there or not at all.
Administrators also warned vendors about leaving garbage and litter behind. Violators face fines of up to 10,000 baht.

A vending pickup truck parked illegally on public property is towed away by Na Jomtien police after refusing to move it.