German drops phone in sewer, sanitation workers retrieve it

Helmut Roth Grigori (center) is thrilled to get his iPhone XR out of the sewer with the help of a city sanitation worker.

A German tourist was reunited with a smartphone he dropped in a sewer.
Helmut Roth Grigori, 68, lost the Apple iPhone XR in a sewer at the corner of Soi 7 and Second Road Dec. 6. He couldn’t reach it to retrieve the device.

Grigori contacted city hall, which sent sanitation workers to open the grate and get the waterproof phone.

Helmut said he was relieved as the phone was old and had years of contacts. It’s unclear if he had them backed up in Apple’s iCloud service, which is the norm.

City sanitation workers work to remove the open the grate and retrieve the German tourist’s iPhone XR.