Drunken Thai-Finn survives fall into central Pattaya intersection tunnel

Paramedics provide assistance to the intoxicated Thai-Finn, who fell 4 meters into the central Pattaya intersection tunnel, as his girlfriend cries uncontrollably at the scene.

PATTAYA, Thailand – In a dramatic incident on February 19, rescue personnel, together with local police, responded to a distress call involving a young Thai-Finnish man, aged approximately 20-25 years old, who had fallen from a height of 4 meters onto the road leading into the central Pattaya intersection tunnel.

Responders discovered the injured man lying motionless on the lower roadside of the tunnel. The rescue team administered immediate first aid before transporting him to the hospital for further medical evaluation and treatment.

The girlfriend of the injured man declined to provide detailed information about the incident, indicating only that he was distressed and intoxicated at the time of the fall. She recounted her unsuccessful attempts to restrain him, which ultimately led to his plunge to the road below. Fortunately, the man sustained only minor injuries, and he is expected to recover fully from the incident.