Drama troupe performs show for Chonburi ghosts

A “likae” actor entertains 5000 corpses in open graves at the Trikunnatham Foundation Cemetery.

A traditional folk drama troupe performed a show to entertain ghosts without relatives in Chonburi.
The Phurin Sukhonta cast performed the “likae” musical drama Dec. 23 at the Trikunnatham Foundation Cemetery in Muang District. They performed a play called “Nam Khang Yod Diew” (One Dewdrop). Their audience was comprised of 5000 corpses in graves and five living people.

Mekhin Chomchuen, 65, head of the Mekhin Sukonta Likae troupe from Bang Prakong said he was paid 30,000 baht to do the show, but admitted it was the first he ever did for dead people.

The actor said he refused to perform the show at night because it would be too scary. As it was, he saw mysterious numbers – 673 – in the smoke from incense, so he felt he had to bet those numbers in the next government lottery.

Mekhin said he’d heard about the cemetery for a long time and that other musicians and actors had performed there, supposedly to soothe spirits. But he’d never done it himself.

The performers saw mysterious numbers – 673 – in the smoke from incense, so he felt he had to bet those numbers in the next government lottery.

The Phurin Sukhonta “likae” troupe performs a play called “Nam Khang Yod Diew” (One Dewdrop) to entertain the ghosts without relatives at the graveyard.

Offerings of food and drinks were given to the 5000 spirits of the dead at the Chonburi cemetery.