PATTAYA, Thailand – Mario Lindner and “Doc” Martyn Green were the two presenters at the Wednesday, July 19, meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC). Mario previously spoke to the PCEC in September 2023 on the topic of “Medical Insurance for Thailand Expats.” Doc Martyn has given several presentations to the PCEC on medical topics.
Mario, originally from Germany has lived in Thailand for more than 15 years and was the first to speak. He spoke about a new type of Visa card that can be used worldwide and is allows Crypto currency to be used for payments. His company, Crypto Prime, is based in Dubai and offers VISA debit cards that support cryptocurrencies and have unlimited spending. The cards are issued by JDB Bank, Laos. Mario noted that Laos is not a member of the Global Information Network that requires banks to share clients’ personal information with other banks and government organizations in the network.
He mentioned several features of the Crypto Prime debit cards. The cards can be topped up with crypto, have state-of-the-art security measures, and offer a $50 ‘Invite a friend’ reward. Further, the cards are accepted worldwide, offering flexibility to spend crypto globally. For more information on fees and features, contact [email protected].
He was followed by “Doc” Martyn who recounted his six-month stint as a doctor at Large in Jamaica in 1980, where he faced various challenges and adventures in a country torn by political violence. He gave some background information on Jamaica’s geography, history, population, culture, and politics, highlighting the Spanish and British colonial influences, the slave trade, the coat of arms, and the tourism industry.
He described some of the cases he dealt with in the hospital, such as a woman with elephantiasis, a man with syphilis, and a woman with obstructed labor. He also shares some anecdotes about the local anesthesia, the morphine dosage, and marijuana usage. To view a video of “Doc” Martyn’s a presentation, visit the PCEC’s YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzakGNzBlz8.
After the presentations, MC Ren Lexander brought everyone up to date on upcoming events. This was followed by the Open Forum portion of the meeting where the audience can ask questions or make comments about Expat living in Thailand, especially Pattaya. To learn more about the PCEC, visit their website at https:/pcec.club.