Moving ceremony at Dr Iain’s final curtain

More than 300 friends, colleagues, business contacts and admirers attended the final funeral ceremony of Dr. Iain Corness held at Naklua’s Wat Chonglom temple.

Around 300 friends, colleagues, business contacts and admirers attended the final funeral ceremony of Dr Iain Corness held at Naklua’s Chonglom temple on February 7. Emotional farewell speeches were made by Peter Malhotra, of Pattaya Mail, Tommy Dee and by Iain’s two youngest children Malisa and Evan. The ceremony was also attended by Jonathan Corness, Iain’s eldest son and a doctor in Australia.

Dr Iain’s two youngest children Malisa and Evan spoke emotionally, expressing their undying love and gratitude for their beloved father.

Floral tributes were presented by Team US Motorsport, Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, British Chamber of Commerce Thailand, Riviera Group, Rotary Youth Exchange, Pattaya Mail, Fab 103 Radio Station, Father Ray Foundation, Nova Group Pattaya, Royal Cliff Hotels Group, Jack Levy Insurance and Casa Pascal Restaurant, amongst others. The event was arranged and hosted by Bangkok Hospital Pattaya where Dr Iain was a non-practising consultant for more than 20 years.

A wake and reception was held afterwards in the Pullman Hotel where fond memories of Dr Iain’s many talents were recalled. The “good doctor” as he was known was also famous as an author, Pattaya Mail columnist and auto-racing driver and enthusiast. But he was perhaps most renowned as a devoted family man and a good and empathetic friend to countless numbers of Pattaya expats since moving to Thailand permanently in 1997.

Juthaporn (Judy) Huyakorn Director of Business Development & International Affairs of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya lit candles and joss sticks during the funeral rites for Dr. Iain Corness.


Dr. Piyaporn Thipayarat. MD, Acting Hospital Director of Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Jomtien Hospital Director presided over the funeral and cremation rites for the late Dr. Iain Corness.