How many are fully vaccinated in Pattaya? Pick a number, any number

Failure to fully immunize 70% of Pattaya’s residents on time, Pattaya’s doors remain shut to international tourism.

While 70 percent of eligible Pattaya residents have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, the failure to fully immunize them led to the postponement of the city’s reopening to foreign tourists, Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome said.

The true number of people vaccinated in Pattaya varies based on who is asked. Some say it’s 40 percent. Some say 70 percent. Some said 900,000 doses were needed. Some said 110,000.

The city vaccinates less than 4,000 people a day. But the number of people included in that 70 percent is far from the number of people actually living or working in the city. Sonthaya only counts adults with a legally registered household within the city limits, which ends at Sukhumvit Road to the east and is bounded on the south by the Najomtien Subdistrict border.

Currently, Sonthaya is claiming only 20,000 people remain who received just one of two vaccine doses and those people will get a second jab within a week. But that won’t change the outcome. Pattaya is not reopening in October.

Until then, the mayor said, the city will focus on holding events for Thai tourists.

Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome said the city will focus on holding events for Thai tourists.

Seeing local beaches filled with international tourists is still far from happening.