Capt. Jack Sparrow visits mentally disabled Pattaya girl

Nong Luk Kaew was thrilled to meet Capt. Jack Sparrow and Rat Vidhyaphum who came to visit her bringing a treasure of food supplies.

The Rotary Club of Pattaya International made the dreams of a mentally disabled child come true when they introduced her to a “pirate of the Caribbean”.

Club members visited the family of “Nong Luk Kaew” in Jomtien Sept. 27, giving the family dried food and necessities. They also brought along a famous guest: Capt. Jack Sparrow of Walt Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise.

No, it wasn’t Johnny Depp, who plays Sparrow in the movies, but “Leo”, a Rotarian who, under heavy makeup and costume, can pass for Depp.

Nong Kuk Kaew loves the “Pirates” movies and always said she wanted to meet Capt. Jack. Now, she sort of did.

Children have a fun day on Jomtien Beach with Capt. Jack Sparrow.