Drunken foreigner causes chaos in Sattahip market

The foreigner plays loud music and dances as he is taken to the police station by the officers.

SATTAHIP, Thailand – A drunken foreigner caused a commotion in the Sattahip Market on December 18, 2023, alarming the local residents and attracting the attention of the police. The foreigner, whose identity and nationality have not been disclosed, was reportedly under the influence of alcohol and behaving erratically near a convenience store within the market.

According to the Sattahip Police Station, they received a report from concerned citizens about the foreigner’s disturbance around 10 p.m. They immediately dispatched a team of officers to the scene, hoping to calm the situation and talk to the foreigner. However, they found him uncooperative and incoherent, showing signs of intoxication and trying to walk away.

The police decided to detain the foreigner for his own safety and the safety of the public, as his unpredictable behaviour could pose a threat to himself or others. The foreigner did not resist the arrest and was peacefully brought under control by the officers.

However, the foreigner’s antics did not stop there. As he was taken to the police station, he played loud Western music on his phone, danced, and made gestures to the people around him. The police tried to keep him in order and quiet him down, but he did not listen to them and continued his erratic behaviour.

The foreigner collapses on the ground at the police station, prompting the officers to call for an ambulance.

The situation escalated when the foreigner collapsed on the ground at the police station, apparently due to exhaustion or dehydration. The police called for an ambulance and gave him first aid, before he was taken to a nearby hospital for further treatment. The police also contacted the foreigner’s relatives, who came to pick him up later.

The Sattahip Police Station stated that they did not press any charges against the foreigner, as he did not harm anyone or damage any property. They also said that they did not know the reason for his drunkenness or where he got the alcohol from. They advised the public to be careful and responsible when consuming alcohol, and to avoid causing trouble or inconvenience to others.