Pattaya, Tourist police practice drunk-tourist response

The “violently drunk” foreign tourist threatens innocent bystanders and the police with a wooden rod.

Pattaya and Tourist police practiced how they would handle a violently drunk tourist.

Pattaya police chief Pol. Col. Kullachart Kullachai led the training exercise June 21 on Jomtien Beach.

The scenario called for a hired actor to play the role of a foreign man who was drunk and acting threateningly toward others in public, waving a wooden rod and shouting crazily.

Threatened tourists and locals called the SOS police signal and officers responded, first trying to talk to the drunk to calm him. When that didn’t work, they used shields and prongs to trap the tourist and put him on the ground in handcuffs.

Kullachart said the demonstration was not only good practice, but was helpful in reassuring the public that Pattaya police were on the job, ready to tackle drunk foreigners.

A person sees the potential violent situation, so he calls police from one of the SOS police signal boxes on the beach.

Police officers arrive and try to talk to the drunk to calm him.

When that doesn’t work, the police gladiators use shields and prongs to tackle the trouble maker.

The police gladiators cautiously approach the potentially dangerous drunk person.

The violent drunk is brought down and trapped by the steel prongs.

The troublemaker is handcuffed and carried away to the police station where he is given a room to sleep it off.