Pattaya Beach vendors ask mayor candidate for longer hours, more trees

Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn (right) listens to a beach vendor who asked that the trees be replanted back on the beach again.

Beach vendors told a Pattaya mayoral candidate they wanted longer hours, more shade, restrooms and parking to improve business.

Former City Councilman Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn and his brother, Niran, head of their Pattaya Ruam Jai group, toured Pattaya Beach March 27 to listen to problems and recommendations to bring Pattaya Beach back to life.

Beachchair renters told Sinchai and Rum Jai’s downtown city council candidates that most people come out late in the day due to the heat, but they must shut down by 7 p.m. They asked the aspiring mayor to extend beach vendors’ hours if elected.

They also complained that outgoing Mayor Sonthaya Kunplome began a major facelift for the beach and pulled out many trees, then suspended work, leaving the sun beating down on the sand. That delayed project also would have brought new restrooms and parking spaces to Pattaya Beach.
They asked the mayor to quickly restart and complete the project if elected.

A beach chair vendor stressed to Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn the mayor hopeful and his brother Niran the urgent need to extend the business operating hours beyond 7 p.m. if elected.

The “Pattaya Ruam Jai” group led by Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn (front row center) and his brother former mayor Niran Wattanasartsathorn (front row left) pose for a group picture on the beach.