Fishing boat brings floating corpse back to Bang Saray

Tinnarat Chuenmano, the 43-year-old owner of the tour boat, volunteered to collect a corpse in the sea and bring it to the shore from Koh Kham Noi, Sattahip Bay.

A fishing boat captain helped rescuers bring the badly decomposed male body found floating in Sattahip Bay back to shore.

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Tinnarat Chuenmano, who normally takes tourists out for a day of fishing from his speedboat, volunteered his services Sept. 26 to bring the body to Bang Saray Beach.


The age, race or nationality of the corpse found off Koh Kham Noi could not be determined as it had been floating for about a month.

Sawang Rojana Thammasathan Sattahip Foundation collects the body.