Don Muang Airport ramp closed to traffic


Bangkok – The Department of Highways has begun its closure of an outbound traffic lane on Vipavadee Road in the area of Don Muang Airport’s entry bridge, to facilitate its expansion to three lanes in anticipation of increased traffic in the near future.

The closure officially begin at 10 p.m. Monday, after which commuters will be required to divert left into another two lanes or go right, where only one lane will be available. More police have been sent to the area and have been stationed at intervals to facilitate the flow of traffic. The Department of Highways, Traffic Police, Don Muang Airport and local police will all work together to make sure the closure does not cause traffic jams.

An alternate entry way to Don Muang Airport has been established at its cargo building and from Don Muang Tollway. Citizens can also drive past the closed ramp and make a U-turn at Don Muang Air Force Base to enter the airport through its Gate 3.

People headed to the area can call 1586 or 02-552-0409 for more information and guidance.