Treasure Hill wins, again


IPGC Pattaya Golf Society at The Elephant Bar

Division 1

1st Jon Batty (9) 32pts

2nd Yasuo Suzuki (13) 31pts

3rd Richard Bannister (11) 30pts

Division 2

1st Larry Gibb (23) 38pts

2nd Murray Edwards (22) 34pts

3rd Len Jones (27) 33pts

The start of the high season saw the Pattaya Golf Society take six groups to play what most believe is the toughest course on our schedule, Treasure Hill, on Monday, Nov. 3.  Recent rains meant the ball stopped where it landed, making the course play very long.  This and threatening weather saw us introduce preferred lies, a decision that was immediately justified when encountering the wet broad-leaf grass that has become dominant on this course’s fairways this year.

Treasure Hill – the hazards can be brutal.Treasure Hill – the hazards can be brutal.

The other concern with many was the poor state of several greens, where putting over large tracts of barren sand-covered ground made a mockery of a good putting stroke.  Not a good sign at the start of the high season.

The field was split into two divisions with the cut at 15.  Division one played from the white tees (6726), while division two hit from the yellows (6377).  This decision appeared popular with most, as division two players proceeded to completely outplay their more illustrious peers in div one.  Sure, there is difference of 350 yards, but in no way does that account for the difference in performance from the winners of the respective groups.  While rain didn’t help, it no doubt didn’t differentiate between divisions.  The low markers took a pounding; it’s as simple as that.

There was just the one ‘2’, achieved by Yasuo Suzuki on the 6th.

Back in the Elephant Bar we welcomed back Brian Beaupre from Canada, Alan Griffiths and Mark Cooper from the UK, and John O’Sullivan from Trat.  Wayne Morrison was the name drawn for the free beer, whilst the booby bevvy went to just-arrived Englishman, Mike King, in recognition of today being his birthday; well someone has to recognise it!

Congratulations to the podium placers, but special praise to Larry Gibb; two shots better than par on a track playing as tough as this was a great performance.

Batty makes merit at Khao Kheow

There were no fireworks at Khao Kheow on Wednesday, 5th November when the Pattaya Golf Society visited to play a stableford merit event on the A and C nines, which were in good order other than the fairways were soft and slow, as were the greens.

The weather held steady and the humidity made the air very “thick” with little flight but the two divisions from the yellow tees made a good fist of things.

With the cut at 15.5 and under the field set off on time and managed to finish the round well.  In the second flight Brian Shaw and John O’Sullivan shared third place with 28 points and it was especially gratifying to see John’s name on the podium for a very rare appearance.  Sharing first place were Murray Edwards and Mr Len with 30 points each.

In the top flight, scores were predictably better with Mark Cooper and Mark Lang sharing second place with 36 points, the latter providing the best gross of the day, 77 shots.  The flight winner was the form player Jon Batty with 37 points, rarely a foot out of place, his unique style somehow getting the best out of the ball.

In the second flight Wayne Morrison took the ‘2’s pot after a fine effort on A3 whilst in the top flight Mark Cooper emulated this with a birdie on C8.

Alan Flynn took the non winners draw again whilst Peter Ditz marked his return to Pattaya golf by forgetting his golf clothing and having to play the round in his street clothes – shoes and all.  The Austrian’s reward was the inevitable Booby Bevy.

Khao Kheow had been a good venue and currently the value for money aspect is very welcoming.  Well done Khao Kheow!

Perfect Pattavia

1st David Thomas (6) 34pts

2nd Mike King (17) 31pts

T3rd Brian Beaupre (5) 30pts

T3rd Tony Campbell (7) 30pts

A week’s a long time in politics, so we are told.  Well, it appears two weeks is a long time in golf, as well.  How else does one explain an eight-point swing between winning performances returned on the same track, under the same conditions by the same players?

The course appeared picturesque upon arrival on Friday, Nov. 7, beautiful weather showcasing manicured fairways.  Such a contrast to what this course presented about a year back.  Our four groups enjoyed conditions that did not need preferred lies and offered superb putting surfaces.  Pin placements – the key to scoring here – were tough.  Approach shots that were not left under the hole made good scoring near impossible.

Two weeks ago two players scored in excess of 40 points on this track in similar conditions.  Today, those same two players managed 34 and 28 points respectively.  Apart from the pin placements, everything else was the same.  Strange that.

There were no ‘2’s today, something that would have pleased those making the podium.  With just the one flight, the podium consisted of four players, with two sharing third place.  Scoring was surprisingly low leading to placegetters expressing amazement that their modest scores were enough to warrant a pay-out.

Back at the Elephant Bar welcome-backs were extended to Englishman Peter Wilson, now living in Glasgow, and Brian Brown from Queensland, Australia.  Mr Len drew the name John Tallett for the free beer, and Dave Plaiter won the booby bevy courtesy of one ‘mare’ of a round.

Pattavia Century Golf Club is 6639 yards of pristine golf that offers a challenging layout with tough but fair putting surfaces.  Many holes have secluded fairways where only the hole being played is visible; a luxury these days.  This remains one of Pattaya’s best VFM courses, whatever the season.