Pattaya Sports Club Fishing News


The second trip for 2012 on January 14 was a replica of the first – an absolutely beautiful  day with hardly a ripple on a mill-pond ocean.  Unfortunately Phil and Nat From Bangkok missed a great day due to ill-health.  We wish Phil a quick recovery.

The six remaining members took advantage of the day and all took home the usual 6-10 kilos of pan sized snapper, yellow tail, grouper and pla dang.  We welcome a new member, Kuhn Poon who is likely to join our Saturday trips.

Peter Hyland with his two blue-spotted cod Peter Hyland with his two blue-spotted cod

On Thursday January 19 there was a delay caused by late notification from Khram Marine that the boat had relocated from Sattahip back to Bang Saray, so five of us set sail at around 7.45 A.M.  After our 2 previous trips of magnificent weather we encountered a little rain for 30 minutes or so.  This did not dampen our spirits however as the seas were calm and the day brightened up.  Fishing was slow to start with but improved throughout the trip.

The champ for the day was Peter Hyland who caught what I believe are blue-spotted cod, which I have referred to in other articles as “large greys”.  Whatever they are, everyone agrees they are the best fish to catch and are excellent eating.

The return to Bang Saray resulted in good bag catches for most of us, my catch weighed 15 kilos (after scaling and gutting) but was helped by those caught by the skipper.

We had planned an overnight trip on 11-12 February 2012 but the boat is not available until mid-March at the earliest.  More news of this in future articles.