Watson settles for silver after 71 gross


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, May 29, Crystal Bay – Stableford

With this day over we would be 10 months into the MBMG Golfer of The Year, and this day would provide us with our tenth winner of the month. Amazing how time flies!  So after informing all players of the situation in this competition, it looked like a walk in the park for Mike Gaussa this month, unless Max Scott won and Mike was not in the first three.  Stranger things have happened.

So into cars and a slow bimble along Sukhumwit to the course.  I slipped into Keith’s nice new car and for a change had time to relax on the way.  Keith used to be a coach driver so he knows all about giving his passengers a smooth ride, and I have to say his new car is really smooth, so I arrived there well relaxed.

The Scribe, right, presents ‘The MBMG Golfer of The Month’ award to Mike Gaussa.The Scribe, right, presents ‘The MBMG Golfer of The Month’ award to Mike Gaussa.

It is easy to book in here, and the price is very good, but as said the clubhouse and course remind us of better days.  So onto the first tee and we were to play the C & A Nines; the C Nine to me is always the most difficult and on this day even more difficult as we had a very strong wind.

The course is a bit threadbare at present, however this is still a fine place to play, and on this day the rough was particularly difficult to get out of, and with a new driver I spent a lot of time in the rough and amongst the trees.  Ever noticed how when your ball goes near a tree it is always behind it, or so it seems?

The greens were difficult as many had been cored; still, it was the same test for all and I had no doubt that some would be having a good day.  The greens were still quite fast and tricky.

Round over it was back for a cold shower, I say cold as after a long time running there was a trace of warmth just taking the edge of the cold, and then dry off with an old friend.  No not that, I mean the towels, thin and raggedy still old friends, very old, at least they did the job.

Back at Bert’s it was into the presentation when all the players had assembled.  We had two flights, and after playing and running golf here for many years, I realised how easy it was to slip up when I played off 16 and if I had been awake it should have been 17.  How the mighty are fallen.  Still, the way the day went and with some fine players out there, it still slipped me into the B Flight.  Lucky Falang!

Winners and Bob Watson with Pu and one of Bert’s finest.Winners and Bob Watson with Pu and one of Bert’s finest.

In the A Flight, 0 to 15, the winner with a fine 40 points was Brian Parish.  In second we had by far the best gross round of the day, when Bob Watson shot a gross 71 and scored 39 points, but that is what handicaps are for.  Perhaps he will to play better next time.  In third we had Mashi Kaneta with 38 points.  The ever steady Mashi is coming back after a spell of not being well, which we do not talk about, but ‘Allopurinol’ can fix it.  He has been missed amongst the winners.  Well I have to say it!

In the B Flight the winner was Joel Flor with 38 points ahead of a count back on 36 points that saw an embarrassed Scribe in second and Mike O’Brien in third.  As I said it is nice to be amongst those who play for the love of the game and not ‘Those Who Must Practice’.  Mind, next week is another start.

Those paying attention will have noticed that the two with a chance of winning did not appear in the results, although Max Scott did have 37 points.  So The MBMG Golfer of the Month was Mike Gaussa.  Well done Mike, he played well the whole month and it was well deserved.

One weird thing was that on one hole it was impossible to decide who was nearest the hole after many re-measures, so they had to share the honour, thus five names on the ‘Near Pins’.  T.T.F.N.

Near Pins:  Daryl Evans, Max Scott, Dick Warberg, Tom Cotton, Paul Alford.