Beautiful Bangpra


PSC golf from Tropical Bert’s

Tuesday, August 14, Bangpra – Stableford

The start to the month these days has been really great, especially on a Tuesday.  Last week it was Khao Kheow and this week Bangpra, two great courses.  Bangpra is the ‘Original’, meaning it was the first course on the Eastern Seaboard.  This used to be a good long drive from Pattaya, but with the vast improvement in the roads it is now just a ‘bimble’ down there, especially when you go with Mashi.


On this day, as is usual, we had a full house and early there it was a quick book-in and early to the first tee.  Luckily as the tee was empty, for the first time here for ages, we were able to get away early.  We were also able to see how difficult the day would be as the wind was really strong.  One of the things here is that with the course being so mature, the wind swirls around and you seem to be always playing against it.

Tuesday’s winners and runners-up with Pu, the boss.Tuesday’s winners and runners-up with Pu, the boss.

The course was a pleasure to play but the fairways were a bit bare, I do like a little grass to tee up the ball, but the greens were fast and true and whilst not at their absolute fastest, they were more than most could handle.

As we progressed we realised that our four-ball was getting our money’s worth with the number of shots we played.  Indeed our thoughts were that if the rest played so bad we would be in for one of our lowest scoring days as a group.  Surely the rest would play better?

Back at Bert’s it was soon into the presentation, and with the rain bouncing outside we were surprised to see Walter come through the door in his normal subdued clothing, with umbrella.

In the A Flight, 0 to 20, the winner was Walter Baechli with 33 points ahead of Dick Warberg in second with 30 points and Mike Gaussa third with 29 points.  In the B Flight the winner was Barry Elphick with 36 points, best score of the day, in second was Neil Shaw with 31 points and in third was Frank Pilkington with 30 points.

Long Putt prizes went to Mick Goghlan, Neil Shaw and Brian Parish.

As it still was pouring down we stopped for a bit and had a cold one or two.  T.T.F.N.