NACC and MCU collaborate to combat corruption


AYUTTHAYA, 21 July 2014 – The National Anti-Corruption Commission is joining forces with Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) to use Buddhist philosophical insights to combat corruption in the kingdom.

The NACC is hosting an international conference at the university with the aim of raising awareness of upholding the values of integrity, wisdom and good governance in Thai society.

MCU rector Dr.Phra Brahmapundit said the drive is part of a wider campaign to use Buddhist teachings as pathways out of a problem. The drive was launched in collaboration with provincial NACC offices in most parts of the country.

The MCU and the NACC are set to distribute handbooks on ethical elements in Buddhist teachings in relation to the administration of the kingdom, to host seminars on using universal principles of ethics and morality in everyday life and to organize a contest for the best anti-corruption action based on Buddhist philosophy.