Motorists in bliss as fuel prices hit new low


BURIRAM, 17 Dec 2014 – The recently adjusted fuel prices have livened up fuel consumption scenes nationwide. Meanwhile, majority of the residents have put their faith in the Government in addressing the economic problems.

Vehicles owners in Buriram have gathered at nearest gas stations to fill up their vehicles as the major petroleum producers announced the drop in Benzene and Diesel prices yesterday, sparking lively atmospheres at various petrol stations in the province.

They shared the same view that the new round of fuel price reduction would greatly lift their financial burdens, while expressing their confidence in the Government’s ability in tackling the economic issues of the Kingdom.

Elsewhere in Uthai Thani Province, commuters yesterday brought their vehicles to fill up the gas throughout the day, the same as agricultural operators who needs Diesel fuel for their equipment.

Similarly in Ang Thong and Songkhla Provinces, residents lined up at petrol stations to fill up their cars’ and motorbikes’ gas tanks. Gas station operators are expecting the scene to continue all the way until the New Year when commuters often go on road trips.

Majority of the commuters have expressed their joy for the new gas prices which have dropped to the lowest level in the recent years.