Pattaya thugs


Dear Sir,

I arrived home the other night and found one car parked opposite my driveway. Due to lack of space, I was unable to manoeuvre and reverse. I informed my neighbour that her friend would need to move his car. He came out, but was belligerent and upset. He moved his car a metre. I told him he needed to move a car length. He kept moving a little bit. I blew my horn until he got the message.

Big mistake.

As I got out of the car and went to close my gate, his mate came across, smacked me in the face, knocking me over my car bonnet, then he got into me. If it was not for my wife screaming and shouting, I am sure I would be history.

Called the Pattaya Police, but no answer.

Lived here for thirty six years, but now I want to leave.

Yours sincerely,

William Sheal