City hall installs Brahman shrine


Pattaya has added a Brahman shrine to city hall to add to the spirituality of civic workers.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome oversaw the inauguration of the Brahman shrine with accompanying joss house and spirit house Dec. 12.

Since is incorporation in 1978, the city has built public buildings according to Thai tradition. The installation of spirit houses creates a place for building inhabitants to worship and respect tradition.

Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome leads the inauguration of the Brahman shrine with accompanying joss house and spirit house at city hall.Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome leads the inauguration of the Brahman shrine with accompanying joss house and spirit house at city hall.

Itthiphol had the permanent secretary’s office renovate the area in front of city hall to prepare for the installation of the new shrine. Upon completion, Pattaya’s city workers were invited to perform the offerings ceremony, pray, practice dharma and meditate for prosperity to their lives.

The ceremonies were divided into two parts. The first, at 8:39 a.m., was an offering for Lord Ganesh, Mother Earth and the joss house, followed by 3 sets of traditional dance from students of Pattaya School No. 9.

The second part started at 5 p.m. with prayers and dharma practice led by the mayor with all Buddhists in attendance dressed in white.