Chonburi tackles rush-hour traffic in 2 districts


Chonburi will add traffic lanes and step up enforcement to combat increasing traffic congestion in the Muang and Phanasnikhom districts.

At a March progress-check meeting, Chonburi Gov. Khomsan Ekachai heard that sidewalks will be removed on Sukhprayun Road near the Dom Hua Fo intersection to widen the street and add a lane. The stretch will run 600 meters and cost 3.5 million baht.

Don Hua Fo municipal officials said funds for the work already have been allocated and are waiting on the Chonburi Department of Highway to complete construction plans.

Gov. Khomsan Ekachai presides over a meeting to look into solving traffic problems in Chonburi.Gov. Khomsan Ekachai presides over a meeting to look into solving traffic problems in Chonburi.

Police also have been directed to bar 10-wheeled trucks from the street during the morning and evening rush hours, and to erect no-parking signs at the Thongkhung Temple intersection at the same times.

The highway department currently is working on seven projects to improve road and highway traffic in the province.

The 579 million baht widening of the Bangphra highway is 84.5 percent complete. Renovation of Highway 7, which will add access ramps and four lanes of traffic, is waiting for a contractor to be hired. The Pattaya-Maptaput highway is also in the planning stages.

Other projects focus on adding lanes to Highway 36, Route 331 and Sukhumvit Third Road. All are waiting on budgetary approval.

As for the rural highway department, there has been progress in two road-network projects. Chonburi has set a budget of 867 million baht and 2014-2017 has another four projects for 8.1 billion baht. (CPRD)