Bang Saray brush fire scorches 30 rai


A brush fire in Bang Saray scorched more than 30 rai of land, but houses escaped damage thanks to work of both firefighters and local residents.

Ten engine companies, backed up by residents with buckets, took two hours to extinguish the wildfire in a field near Baan Nawee House July 13.

Residents nearby were questioned and they said that the field had been left unattended for years. The weather was very hot before the fire broke out and flames spread quickly.

Firefighters battle a brush fire in Sattahip that scorched more than 30 rai of land.

Residents helped each other prevent the fire from leaping to their homes by using buckets of water while they contacted the police and fire department.

Pol. Cap. Kanchanapas estimated that the fire was caused by the hot, dry weather and the area concerned was conducive to fire because it was full of dried grass.