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UFC Thailand Open Backgammon Championships return to Pattaya

The second International UFC Thailand Open Backgammon Championships will return to the Style Restaurant on Jomtien Beach Pattaya, Goran Hasselquist, tournament director recently announced. The event will take place from January 9 - 12, 1997.
The field will include some of the best players in Thailand, along with entrants from America, Europe and the rest of Asia. The tournament will be organized by the Pattaya Backgammon League under the direction of Asian Backgammon Champion Mr. Goran Hasselquist.
The event will count as a ranking tournament for the “Goulding World Rating” which includes ranking of over 5,000 players world-wide.
The UFC Thailand Open Backgammon Championships will include two divisions: Open Championship for the most skilled players and Intermediate for the less experienced participants. It will be sponsored by UFC (Universal Food Plc.) Style Restaurant. Trophies for the winners will be presented by Style Restaurant. Free instruction and seminars by top players will also be available.
For additional information and to take part in this event please contact Fax: (038) 425 189, or Tel: (038) 303 135, 303 136 between 13:30 and 18:30 hrs. Or write to Pattaya Backgammon League, PO Box 37, Jomtien, Chonburi, 20261.

Blue’s win big in PSC softball

Eddy Henheffer led his Blue team to a big 18 to 6 win over Alan’s Reds as the Pattaya Softball fun returned to action on Sunday, December 22 at Bang Kair School in South Pattaya.
Jerry, who recently transferred from Caltex Stars, along with Norman B. and Kenny T.D. were the hard hitters for the Blues.
Mike B., George D. and Dan H. hit for extra bases on the Reds, but the Reds’ error prone defense contributed to the loss.
The Pattaya Sports Club invites all ball players to come out and play ball. Players sign-in between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. every Sunday. Teams are made-up from those ready to take the field. Cold drinks and hot dogs are available.
The playing field is at Pattaya School No. 7 on Sukhumvit Highway just past Greenway Driving Range and Caltex gas station.

Splinter Golf Group Results

Stableford competition at Sattahip
Monday, December 23, 1996
Winner A flight: Tony Odlum, 33 Stableford points.
2nd A flight: Ian Pike, 32 points (won on count back from Mike Morris and Harry Riley.
Winner B flight: Mike Franklyn, 36 Stableford points.
2nd B flight: Harvey, 36 points (lost on count back).
Diana Monthly Medal at Green Valley
Friday, December 27, 1996
Mike Morris put together one of his best rounds ever. His 80 gross, 69 net won the A flight of the Diana Monthly Medal.
Mike Franklyn, who also had a good day, won the B flight with a gross 93 net 70.
Only 4 players out of 26 were able to break 80.
The four closest to the pin honourees received complimentary green fees from Green Valley Management. Those who won were; Doug Powell on #7, Gerard Lambere on #15, and newcomer Mike Parson on #3 and #11.
Winner A flight: Mike Morris, net 69.
2nd A flight: Mike Riley, net 76.
3rd A flight: Tony Stevens, net 81 (on a count back from John Naponic).
Winner B flight: Mike Franklyn, net 70.
2nd B flight: Harvey, net 76.
3rd B flight: Dickie Barbe, net 80.

PGS Pairs champions

PGS Pairs champions Mike Parson (left) and Ken Carr (right) receive their trophies from PGS chairman Peter Johanssen (center).

Rising Sun knocks off undefeated Cheers

Rising Sun knocked Cheers out of the ranks of the undefeated in week 4 of the Friday Night Mickey Mouse Darts League. In doing so, Rising Sun has moved to within one game of the second place Cheers.
Beer Put now remains the only undefeated team in the league and sits atop the table.
Results from week 4: Rising Sun won the match and the beer leg over Cheers at home. Mick’s Place won the match but lost the beer leg to Palmer’s Bar on the road. Beer Put also won the match but lost the beer leg to Pleasure Dome away.
Nervous Dave from Rising Sun still maintains the lead for the league’s highest checkout, a 103 he achieved against Mick’s Place in week three.

Standings after week 4:
  Won Loss Beer Leg Under 10’s
Beer Put 4 0 3 22
Cheers 3 1 1 30
Rising Sun 2 2 3 26
Mick’s Place 2 2 1 25
Pleasure Dome 1 3 2 31
Palmer’s Bar 0 4 2 44

Improve your Bridge

by Barrie Kenyon

It is possible in bridge to be too clever by half. As budding players climb the cards ladder, they learn about the Bath coup, squeeze play and a whole host of complex strategies. But simplicity is often the right way ahead.
Happy Harry had just heard the opposite bid most confidently to Seven Hearts. They had gone through the Blackwood convention of asking for aces and kings and waited expectantly for a lead. Harry looked at his somewhat bleak collection and wondered which card to pick. He held;
Spades 6, 4
Hearts 9, 5, 3, 2
Diamond Queen, Jack, 10, 4
Clubs Ace, 8, 2
The obvious lead, thought Harry, was the Club Ace. But surely the opponents would not have bid a suit grand slam with an Ace missing. One of them must have a void. So he elected to lead the Diamond Queen, justifying to himself that this was safe at any rate. Alas, the triumphant declarer soon had all thirteen tricks before him and rubbed salt in the wound. He told Harry, “If you had led the Ace of Clubs and then another to your partner’s King, I would have been two down.” The defense had effectively been bluffed into making the wrong lead.
The very next hand, Harry heard the opponents bid Three No Trumps. On lead, he looked at his hand:
Spades Jack, 8, 7
Hearts 4, 3, 2
Diamonds 9, 8
Clubs Ace, King, Jack, 7, 2
Quite rightly, Harry decided to lead a Club. But which one? Having no certain entry outside the suit, he reasoned that a small Club would allow the declarer to make one trick in the suit. Then, Harry hoped that his partner would take a trick in an outside suit, later in the play, and lead back a Club producing disaster for the declarer. So he led the Club Seven which the declarer took with the Queen as expected. Declarer then cashed a further eight tricks making his three no trumps. If only Harry had led the Ace and King of Clubs, declarer’s doubleton Queen would have dropped and the first five tricks would have gone to the defense. Again, declarer had bluffed because he did not have a club stop in the first place.
Harry might have known better. His opponent as declarer was a sixteen year old schoolboy who had just failed his math’s exam.

Pattaya Golf Society celebrates holidays

Many happy faces celebrated the holiday season in the PGS party.

The Pattaya Golf Society celebrated the holidays with their annual party at First House Hotel, Soi Buakoa, on Monday, December 23. About 45 guests turned out for the Ule-tide spirits.
George Meigh was awarded Pattaya Golf Society “Player of the Year” for 1996, and received a handsome trophy for his accomplishment.
The Pattaya Golf Society returns to kick off the first season of 1997 with a Stableford competition at Siam Country Club on the 7th of January. All golfers are welcome to join the

Cheers say Bottoms Up

“On which American city’s streets was the game of monopoly originally based?” “What was the name of the African lodger in the series Rising Damp?”
In the pre Christmas Sunday Quiz, Cheers produced an army of boozers and academics (usually both) to pull away from their nearest rivals by nine marks. Motorcycle taxi drivers were delighted as triumphant Cheers customers, mostly sporting Father Christmas hats, offered 500 baht tips to be ferried to the next street. Bar owner Colin said he had seen nothing like it for seven days.
Cheers managed a top score of 73% in what proved to be the toughest round of the season so far. No team, for example, managed to find the answer to the question “Who put Sweeny Todd’s victims into her pies?” To judge from the large pile of check-bins in most bars playing home matches, gin and tonics do not help in remembering world currencies or the name of the Venerable Bede. One bar had Venereal.
But it was all good fun and the occasional cock-up by the question setters was taken with equanimity. Pleasure Dome and Mick’s Place are chasing Cheers hard, and Palmer’s is coming up on the rails. To judge from attendance’s at the weekly trivial pursuits bouts, Pattaya has had a cracking Christmas and a bubbling New Year. The alliance of Brits, Americans and Aussies seems to have survived world war two.

Total Scores to date:
Cheers 476
Pleasure Dome 467
Mick’s Place 465
Palmer’s 459
Rising Sun 428
Britannia 412
Bob’s Bar 399
Wild Chicken 320

The answer to the above questions are “Atlantic City”, “Philip” and “Mrs. Lovett”.
The public is invited to join the fun every Sunday night.

HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]

UFC Thailand Open Backgammon Championships return to Pattaya

Blue’s win big in PSC softball

Splinter Golf Group Results

PGS Pairs champions

Rising Sun knocks off undefeated Cheers

Improve your Bridge

Pattaya Golf Society celebrates holidays

Cheers say Bottoms Up


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