Thailand enters third phase for easing COVID-19 restrictions from June 1

The night-time curfew hours will be shortened, and more activities will be allowed.
The night-time curfew hours will be shortened, and more activities will be allowed.

Bangkok– The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is pleased to share the latest details of the Royal Thai Government’s third phase for easing of the business and activity restrictions, effective from Monday, 1 June.

Published in the Royal Thai Government Gazette on 29 May, 2020, the directives include:

The reduction of the night-time curfew from currently 23.00-04.00 Hrs. to 23.00-03.00 Hrs. More exception is allowed for public transport services and cargo vehicles that depart from their original destination before 23.00 Hrs. and arrive at the final destinations after 03.00 Hrs.

The relaxation for the utilization of educational institutes to reopen school buildings for admission examinations and short training sessions, but not for normal classes. Private tuition schools for vocational training, arts and sports can resume.

Shopping malls, department stores and community malls are allowed to open until 21.00 Hrs.

Exhibition and convention venues are allowed to resume operations, but activity space at each must not exceed 20,000 square metres. Activity time is allowed until 21.00 Hrs. However, competitions and promotional activities that may result incrowding are not allowed.

Buddha amulet markets are allowed to reopen, but not to organize any activities that attract crowding.

Beauty salon, hairdressers and barbers are allowed to offer all services, but limited to two hours at a time, and customers are not allowed to wait on the premises.


Child day-care centres can open only for the preparation of food and beverages for parents to take home to their children.

Also allowed to resume operations are beauty clinics, tattoo and piercing parlours.

Health and wellness establishment, including spa, Thai traditional massage shops (except sauna, steam, and facial massage), and foot massage are allowed to reopen. Massage parlours are to remain closed.

Fitness clubs in and outside malls are allowed to reopen, but visitors’ numbers for group exercise must be limited. Steam and sauna services are still suspended.

Boxing stadiums and gyms can reopen for training only.


Sports stadiums can reopen for exercise or training, including football, futsal, basketball and volleyball, and must be in the form of a competition, with the number of non-players within the premises to be capped at 10.

Bowling alleys, skating centres and the like can reopen for exercise and practice only. Ballroom dancing centres can resume operations.

Water facilities for jet skis, kitesurfing, banana boats, and the like are allowed to resume operations but not for competition, and the number of people must be limited.

Theatres and cinemas are allowed to reopen, but the audience is limited at 200 at each place. Theatres are allowed to resume operations for traditional Thai folk performances only; such as, Likay. Concerts are still not allowed.

Zoos are allowed to reopen but must limit the number of visitors.

Business and venue operators must follow the guidelines issued by the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health. Monitoring of businesses will be done randomly. Members of the public are encouraged to contribute to monitoring the adherence to the guidelines by business operators.

Interprovincial travel is also allowed, but travelers must adhere to safety and health guidelines.

TAT would like to remind all to continue to adhere to health and safety routines to protect themselves, as well as others from the COVID-19 infection. These include keeping social distancing, wearing a mask or cloth mask, and frequently washing hands. Avoid close contact with other persons, no hugging, especially with vulnerable groups like the elderly, or those who have underlying conditions because it can increase the infection rate and potentially lead to severe disease more easily than in other groups.

People can greet via a Wai (Thai greeting) from a distance of 1 or 2 metres. When staying together, people must wear masks, use personal utensils or serving spoons, or eat a la carte servings to protect themselves and loved ones from getting the disease.