TCEB launches project to promote meetings in Thailand

TCEB Senior Vice President, Ms. Vichaya Soonthornsaratoon says agencies plan to stimulate tourism and consumer spending in the country.

BANGKOK (NNT) – The Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) has joined hands with the Tourism Council of Thailand and the MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) industry to launch a project to encourage different sectors to hold meetings and conferences in Thailand, in an effort to boost the economy.


The TCEB Senior Vice President, Ms. Vichaya Soonthornsaratoon, said the government has instructed related agencies to come up with short, mid and long-term plans to stimulate tourism and consumer spending in the country. The TCEB sees meetings and incentives as an industry that involves travelers, generates high income and is growing continually. The industry can help distribute income to different regions of the country and increase money circulation in the domestic economy.

The TCEB has cooperated with the Tourism Council of Thailand and some 200 MICE operators to launch the project to encourage various sectors to hold meetings in the country on the theme “Meetings in Thailand, Proud to Help the Nation”. The project will help boost economic growth in the short term and is expected to generate at least 70 billion baht in revenue in the meetings and incentives sector.

By July 31, more than 500 conferences and seminars, involving 20,000 to 40,000 participants, will take place across the country. These events will contribute income to local communities and strengthen the country’s economy.