Private sector believes China’s One Belt One Road will benefit Thailand


BANGKOK – The Thailand-China Business Council has expressed confidence that the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) and China’s One Belt One Road strategy will contribute to no less than 0.5% economic growth in Thailand.

Chairman of the Thailand-China Business Council Wikrom Kromdit said China’s One Belt One Road, which starts from the souther part of China to Vietnam, Lao and Thailand, will be an important route used by Chuna to the Indian Ocean. Thailand will be directly benefited from the route by connecting with China whose 4-trillion-USD trade value is currently the highest in the world, said Mr. Wikrom.

One Belt One Road will also benefit Thailand’s investment and tourism, said the chairman. He was therefore confident that when One Belt One Road is connected with the EEC, the Thai economy will expand by more than 0.5%

Meanwhile, Honorary Chairman of the Thailand-China Business Council Thanakorn Seraburi said he believe that Thailand is a focus of One Belt One Road due to the country’s location in the middle of the region and its long ties with China. He suggested that Thai business people should pay attention to One Belt One Road since China will likely use Thailand as a center for the manufacturing of processed products which will be exported back to China.