‘Prince Mahidol Award’ presentation ceremony at Chakri Throne Hall on Jan 24

The award was established in honor of HRH Prince Mahidol of Songkla, known as “The Father of Modern Medicine and Public Health of Thailand,” to recognize individuals or institutions with outstanding and exemplary contributions to the advancement of international medical and public health services every year.

The Prince Mahidol Award presentation ceremony will be held on 24 January 2024 at the Chakri Throne Hall. The award was established in honor of HRH Prince Mahidol of Songkla, known as “The Father of Modern Medicine and Public Health of Thailand,” to recognize individuals or institutions with outstanding and exemplary contributions to the advancement of international medical and public health services every year.

For this year, there will be two people receiving the awards, as follows:

– In the field of Medicine, Professor Napoleone Ferrara, M.D., from the USA/ Italy, won the prize for his discovery of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the subsequent development of Bevacizumab as a treatment for highly vascularized, aggressive cancers and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

– In the field of Public Health, Dr. Barry H. Rumack, M.D., from the USA, won the prize for his creation of the Rumack-Matthews nomogram, which has allowed doctors all over the world to appropriately diagnose paracetamol toxicity.

The award presentation ceremony will be broadcast live via Facebook: NBT World and PR Thai Government. (PRD)