Bag snatcher foiled by Aussie tourists


On May 28 Pattaya once more gained some negative publicity as another bag snatching incident took place – however this time the hunter became the hunted.

An Australian tourist Jessica McLennan was riding on the back of a motorbike with her boyfriend near the All Seasons Hotel in central Pattaya, when a Thai man came along side them on a motorbike and made a grab for her handbag.

This is the Thai man who was out witted by a young womanThis is the Thai man who was out witted by a young woman

However the plucky Aussie wasn’t going to give in so easily and kept a tight grip on her bag, the Thai thief simply wasn’t strong enough and ended up crashing his motorbike and tried to make a run for it, but Jessica’s boyfriend managed to detain him until the police arrived.

The thief was identified as 28 year old Sakol Jantaporn who stated that he had recently been released from prison and that he needed some fast cash so he tried to steal the woman’s handbag – a crime that he said he had done many times before.

Hopefully when he is charged he will receive a longer custodial sentence to keep scum like this off the streets of Pattaya, and ladies remember to be careful when carrying your handbag whether you are walking or on a motorbike as these crimes can happen at anytime in Pattaya – day or night.

Bag snatcher foiled by Aussie tourists