Australia demands environmentally friendly products from Thailand

Somdet Susomboon, director-general of the ministry’s Department of International Trade Promotion.
Somdet Susomboon, director-general of the ministry’s Department of International Trade Promotion.

The Commerce Ministry has pointed out opportunities for environmentally friendly exports as Australia values environmental conservation.

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Somdet Susomboon, director-general of the ministry’s Department of International Trade Promotion, said environmentally friendly exports should have a bright future in Australia where all parties were emphasizing long-term environmental conservation following its devastating wildfire last year.

“Valuing environmental protection, property developers are constructing new residential and commercial buildings that are sustainable and friendly to the environment. They focus on safety, energy-saving and environmentally friendly materials, equipment and products. Consequently, demand is increasing and there are opportunities for the Thai producers and exporters who have environmentally friendly products,” Mr Somdet said.


He saw opportunities for allergy friendly construction materials such as flooring, fences, roofs and paints as well as thermal insulation materials, solar cells and smart devices.

SalilaTepkasetkul, Thai trade director in Sydney, said Australians demanded not only environmentally friendly residences but also environmentally friendly products such as reusable products and biodegradable food and beverage containers. They also increasingly ate vegetarian food and opted public transport and carpooling, she said.

“Environmentally friendly products are gaining popularity in Australia and operators in Australia are developing and promoting environmentally friendly products and services. Environmental friendliness is a factor for product success in Australia,” Ms Salila said. (TNA)