Michael Blumhagen in top form

The in-form Michael Blumhagen recorded his fifth podium finish in his past five appearances and his second consecutive 40 points.

PSC Links Golf Society
Monday, March 29
Laem Chabang A+C
After completing the ‘A’ course at Laem Chabang, two players already had 20 points and another two had 19 points, and very pleased with themselves, so the contest was on.

Then came the ‘C’ course with all the water and bunkers and, if those players can hold it together, it is going to be close.

In the end, it was not close at all as the in-form Michael Blumhagen recorded his fifth podium finish in his past five appearances and his second consecutive 40 points.

Michael was one of those with 20 points on the first nine, and the only one to go on with it by having a steady and even 20 points on the second nine.

Kelly Phelps is an unknown, only having the one previous game with Links back in January. He took second place with a good score of 35 points.

Third and fourth places went to a countback as two players scored 34 points. Steve Moxey will be quite excited when he learns that he, at last, won a countback. He was third and Mike Ehlert held onto fourth spot.

Wayne Peppernell had 20 points on the front nine and was pretty confident but, in the end, he settled for the consolation ‘best front nine’.

Adam Barton came out of quarantine a few days ago and had his first hit since returning. Welcome Back, Adam. He had the ‘best back nine’ with 16 points.

Near Pins: Mike Ehlert (A2), Alan Sullivan (A7), Michael Blumhagen (C5), Bill Copeland (C8).

Winners at Laem Chabang
1st Place – Michael Blumhagen (6) – 40 pts
2nd Place – Kelly Phelps (12) – 35 pts
3rd Place – Steve Moxey (12) – 34 pts c/back
4th Place – Mike Ehlert (11) – 34 pts c/back
Best Front Nine (non winners) – Wayne Peppernell – 20 pts
Best Back Nine (non winners) – Adam Barton – 16 pts

Another hot day with little breeze for relief, but nearing the end of the round some dark clouds moved in and, with them, some fairly strong and gusty breezes. All just a little late for most.

Once again this beautifully presented golf course had everything right; fairways, greens, even the rough could not be faulted.

Here’s a question. Have you, as a golfer, ever stood on a tee and had a look around at the scenery of the course and surrounds? Standing on first tee of the ‘A’ course, which is quite elevated, one can see for a long way over and past a couple of fairways on the ‘B’ course and beyond. What a wonderful view. Try it some time. Just don’t do when you should be teeing off!