Big Scores at Pleasant Valley, Pattaya – Why?

Walk the first fairway. (Photo by Huw Phillips)
Walk the first fairway. (Photo by Huw Phillips)

Links Golf Society

Friday, May 22 Pleasant Valley Stableford

At Links Golf we are not playing competition, at least until we are allowed to have a beer back at the bar after the game, but we are still entering scores for handicap purposes.

On this day I was paying an overdue visit to play with another society at another course so, when I picked up the scorecards for Pleasant Valley, the scores were way better than expected.

Upon investigation I learned that it was decided to ‘give the boys an easy day’ and play from the shorter white tees, instead of the usual blue tees. Aha, that’s why there were 2×41 pts, 2×38 pts, 4×37 pts etc. and that was only from the 10 cards left for me.

In these days of overkill, due to this virus, someone ruled that golfers must drive the cart and the caddie stands at the back, where I’m sure the caddie is closer to me than if inside the cart.

This course, along with some others, decided that the caddie can drive but erected a plastic sheet between caddie and golfer. What wasn’t thought of was that this stopped the air flow in the cart so Phil, feeling even hotter than he already was, asked the caddie if she could remove it, which she did.

Somewhere, in another case of overkill, clubs were instructed to not allow the use of lockers or showers, however, common sense is slowly seeping through and now some clubs are reinstating the use of these facilities, including Pleasant Valley, and there are some thankful bus drivers.

This is another course which has been kept up to its usually high standard through the enforced break and now, with a nicely priced green fee voucher, plus being able to take a refreshing shower after a hot day on course, made for a happy day out for our twenty one golfers.

The current check-in procedures at clubs, temperature, sanitizing gel, sign book etc., may last for some time but, otherwise, we may be graduating back to playing golf the way we always did in Thailand, with the added bonus of some good special pricing available.